Soft Skills Insights

We unpack behavior science, habit research, and academic research to provide practical insight into how to upgrade your people's critical thinking, communication, people management, and time management skills

Running a Meeting? Skip an Objective and Agenda for These 2 Tools communication time management Jul 25, 2024

Yes, an objective and an agenda are helpful to run an effective meeting, but these two tools – a destination and a pathway – are much better.


WHY THIS MATTERS: Professionals...

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A 4 Step Approach to Problem-Solving critical thinking Jun 20, 2024

As AI takes over additional tasks, we will increasingly focus our efforts on skills like complex problem-solving. This is one of the reasons problem-solving makes LinkedIn’s list of the ...

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How to Build Your Personal Brand in 4 Phases people management Jan 11, 2023

Most professionals spend hours trying to land a dream job, but once they secure a job, they allow their career to take its own direction. This laissez-faire approach to career development can make...

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Why Highly Skilled Workers Use Checklists time management Aug 23, 2022

As we progress toward higher skill work, we assume we can handle the simple aspects of getting work done with our minds. However, the reality is that we can’t – and we shouldn’t.

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The Key to Becoming Productive Lies in These 7 Systems time management Aug 04, 2022

One of the most common questions we get from professionals looking to become more productive is: 

What is the one thing I can do to dramatically increase my productivity?

This is a natural...

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4 Tools to Reduce Miscommunication communication critical thinking Jul 21, 2022

Miscommunication is one of the leading causes of project delays and failures. According to the Project Management Institute, “ineffective communications is the primary contributor to...

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Comparison Errors: 4 Critical Thinking Errors We Make When Recommending critical thinking Jan 05, 2022

Critical thinking is providing a robust answer to a question. One of the most basic and widely used ways we come to answers is to learn from the past and from others. We call these...

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How to Clear Your Inbox with 6 Simple Searches time management Apr 05, 2021

Few people can say that they never let their inbox get out of control. Even if you’re more of an inbox zero devotee, there’s a fair chance you find yourself with a...

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7 Outlook/Gmail Features That Will Cut Your Email Time time management Mar 03, 2021

It’s no secret that managing email is one of the great struggles of being a professional today. While the numbers vary considerably, many people spend a third of their workday reading,...

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Flipped Meetings: How to Make Meetings Shorter and More Effective people management time management Feb 17, 2021

It feels like an unbeatable problem. There are too many meetings. There isn’t any time to do your own work. You feel exhausted by the end of the day from staring at a grid of faces.


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Why and When Phone Calls Beat Zoom time management Feb 03, 2021

In the worldwide shift to remote work, many jumped headlong into Zoom (or other videoconference) meetings. The idea, which admittedly, we espoused on this site was that video calls are...

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How to Avoid Critical Thinking Errors Caused by Media Headlines critical thinking Jan 21, 2021

How you make sense of the information you read online has a direct effect on your life and your job. Most knowledge workers and managers spend a significant portion of their day searching and...

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