Soft Skills Insights

We unpack behavior science, habit research, and academic research to provide practical insight into how to upgrade your people's critical thinking, communication, people management, and time management skills

Does Agile Make Your Team More Innovative? people management time management Aug 24, 2020

The agile project management methodology, originating among software developers in earnest in the early 2000s, has increasingly crossed into other industries as teams and companies look for ways to...

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Do Social Media Fasts Work? resilience time management Aug 17, 2020

Many have taken to social media fasts or even more extreme, dopamine fasts, over the last year to improve their happiness and productivity and reduce stress, but does abstaining from social media...

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Can You Become a Better Critical Thinker? critical thinking Jul 09, 2020

Are critical thinking skills just a gift some are born with and others are not? Or do you just pick them up as you go through life and have more experiences?

That is the question that CEO Matt...

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8 Critical Thinking Fallacies You’re Likely Falling For on Social Media critical thinking Jul 02, 2020

You may think that scrolling endlessly through social media is a harmless way to decompress after a long day of work and let your mind relax. And the latest research on the mental and...

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Will Time Make You Happier than Money? time management Jun 30, 2020

When given the choice, should you invest money to get more time or invest your time to earn more money?


Prefer to read? Here’s the transcript:

The Science of Productivity segment...

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Lessons from Companies that are Working Less time management Jun 24, 2020

Depending on the survey, 67% to 79% of employees suffer from burnout at least some of the time. These victims of burnout cite unreasonable workload and “too little time in the day...

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Why Your Employees Don’t Care About Productivity people management time management Jun 10, 2020

According to Gallup, 53% of employees give the minimum effort required to complete their work. In other words, more than half of the workforce are doing just enough to collect their...

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Lessons from Leading Pop Artists: How to be Creative Over and Over Again critical thinking May 27, 2020

In business, we often have the perception that brilliant ideas come either from the minds of geniuses or through intense, focused collaborative thinking. While both are sources of creative...

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The Ownership Rollercoaster: How Managers Undermine Team Performance people management May 21, 2020

The degree to which you and your team members take ownership for your work significantly impacts the quality of your work.

For example, Wharton professor Adam Grant conducted research ...

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Why You and Your Employer Should Pay Attention to Changes at Home resilience Apr 16, 2020

In this unprecedented time, it’s natural for you and your employer to focus on the dramatic changes to the way you do work, your clients’ scenarios, and perhaps even your business. But...

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How to Overcome the Social Isolation of Remote Work resilience Mar 18, 2020

One of the most robust studies of the value of remote work split call center representatives in a Chinese company into two groups: work from home and work from the office. At the end of nine...

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How to Avoid A Key Downside of Remote Work resilience Mar 17, 2020

Zarvana is a fully remote team, spanning three continents. Founder and CEO Matt Plummer has spent the last 3.5 years working remotely, first at strategy consultancy, The Bridgespan Group, and then...

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